Sublime and Coherent
Art and figure drawing , nude and erotic poses and paintings that are united in style and elevated in their personal demeanor by expressive gestures.
Piece for D. H. Lawrence
[30 x 22]
Graphite pencil and watercolor on paper.
Infused pencil knits its dark mystery in graphite around a female nude that is then reflected in a mirror image at which point the two forms are torn apart then fused together and treated with watercolor flesh tones of a deliberate erotic nature. A work sensitive to the sensuality of woman as it orchestrates the beauty for the vagina.
In this early series of nude figurative works (Pencil Knitting) the robust flesh is formulated with a delicate mesh webbing. Molded in a clay like formation as opposed to the flashed, scavenged and impaled forcefully energetic style of last months ‘golden looms’ feature entitled “Blood On The Claws Of Dinosaurs’ Bones” (see January archives).
A feminine statement delivered in mass and volume with a ‘larger-then-life’ womb focus to accentuate the mystery from whence mankind is born. With careful regard for draftsmanship the model remains anonymous so that the female sexual counterpart is delivered as the predominate focus thereby emphasizing its presence in universal erotica.