May 2014

A Mysterious Pastel Figure Based Off Off Naked Life Figure Drawing

General Introduction Note On The Pastels – Published and available in VOLUME 4


There are three basic primary approaches to these works: Hysterical smudged nudity, Rudimentary colorforms, and expressive figurizations.

The intermingling splotches and blasts of color are not confined to the background but, with raw vigilance, march over the form as well. So in a wholly painterly manner a nude pastel presentation is delivered eliminating the crutch of academic drawing.

In some cases color just delicately etches out a figure providing it with enough fortitude to carry it to a sense of competition.

The work many times could be solely about expressing a gesture drawing. Many times the stylization of woven pastel in ‘looms of lineage’ create the forms itself through the figure from its compelling outside atmosphere. Thus the pastels move the figure in and out of drawing as they explore, maintain and generate a multitude of environments… for the work… with the figure… in the abstraction…


(In The Grotto Of) My Precious

22 1/2 x 17 (pastel & gold leaf paint)

Many times neurotic depiction takes on a painful persona that suggests erotica. Even as the work begins to lose the formal nude figurative form, and abandon it for a total wave of movement in pastel and paint, it is left still trying to formulate its own atmosphere. Thus we have a concise work that envelops itself.

> COMING NEXT MONTH – A selected triptych from the “Ballet Of The Valedictorians” series:

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