March 2014
the male nude is drawn and painted in naked figurative surrender.
This complete portfolio of works found in Vol. 5 & 6 (now published and available) is a celebration of the nude figure in fine art. The naked art herewithin has been the sustenance of the figure drawings and paintings of a. c. tuckruskye that perpetuates through a variety of stylizations.
The subject matter stays true as it embraces the academic nude model… releases the angst of the human form… and toys with the erotic encounters. The outcome is ‘nip-and-tuck’ or dissected delirium in acarnival of figurative work; twisted and infused, rendered and sculptural, impaled walls of messaging, and final abstract expressioning. Life drawing is awake and pulsating in these collected works.
In Our Altered State
40 x 26 (gesso, mixed-media, pastel, gold leaf paint).
Authoritative black strokes secure its plasticity and firmness as the elemental structure that is formulated in this gesture transcends from draftsmanship successfully crossing the bounds into the metaphysical presentation of a painted portrait.
With a face clearly pensive the weight of one arm holds the gesture firm in an erectile like erotic pretense. The mystery of erotica, is not the genital area but rather, is accentuated by the hand that is supported and floating above his cock suspended by a vacant crutch.