Nude Academic – Impression Figure Art
The nude in life drawing can present itself on a variety of different platforms. The ‘natural’ and ‘academic’ pose is often the starting point. However, many times the model, with a healthy lack of inhibition, can bring to life a postulation (performance) that goes beyond the stationary or ‘standard’ studio pose. Thus performance figure drawings might find a momentum due to more extreme or playful, or even ‘over-the-top’, physical exhibit of modeling whereas the academic often concedes to the posed contour and gesture taken. However a nude drawing of contour or gesture will be arrested and deployed with an honest delivery of the pose expressed in whatever stylization the artist is endowed with. So, all is taken in stride and the artist moves on to finding a conclusion in a studio study (which could be complex or simple) that resonates with satisfaction thus, a completed figurative work.
This portfolio has the male nude form of drawings addressing these premises with works straight forward and considered complete or contained, or at the very least, brought to a stage of fulfillment. The male nude figure featured here can be a composed complete form at rest or a singular forceful torso… they need no commentary as they are life drawing of figure… naked… drawn impression figures. That is all. They are just that and nothing more.
Naked Figurative Expressionism
Academic studio poses are often the beginning bases of further figurative exploration as well. They can then transcend into a state of cohesion addressing nudification in the pioneering of the unexplored, with manipulation by the artist and his dexterity and the uncontained passion, but spirited generosity, of the model… thus a presentation of flourishing works of art that bolster from a launching pad into tumultuous eruptions… are delivered from the etude.
Under these auspicious declarations the formula for a completed life drawing of the naked figure is at the hands of internal inspiration, external exploration and deitization of creativity.
Each of these drawings, many of which, are not sketches but intentional poses as ‘roadmaps’ (underbellies) to the pioneering of other works in the artist’s oeuvre. The depiction of the nude figure is more an in- depth study to find the melting point that will unleash the creative juices that find ‘paths of glory’ endeavors. In many cases the goal might be to maneuver abstraction to return back to naked, as nakedness is deployed to reach the nudified accomplishment.
This collection displays many of the raw vehicles that launch the prowess and tumult of a body of abstract expressionistic naked art nudes.
Some Random Figure Drawing Notes
So the nude study “Birth To Earth” and “The Last Shot” remained a final preliminary drawing (as seen in Volume 4) as they were never propelled into other proprieties (thus the graphite drawings remain as finished pieces).
Whereas “Twin Boys” (drawing pictured at top) became a salvaged rendering and so a preserved reference for the finished work (in this case the actual graphite pencil drawing was preserved as a finished work, and then duplicated).
The final outcome is the painting pictured here – “Twin Boys About to Go At It” which takes on the naked painted abstraction and expression as shown.
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Excellent article – this is a test comment